Stop trying to force yourself to be mindful and slow down. Pushing yourself too hard wasn’t the answer then and it’s not the answer now. That feeling of having to fight and struggle is a symptom of having spent too long on the road to burnout.
Slow living can be thought of as less what you do, and more what you stop doing.
Stop fighting.
Stop gritting your teeth and pushing on.
If you’ve got a hundred things to do, and you absolutely have to do them, that’s fine. Relax and do them one by one. Give yourself a little break in between each one. Put some nice music on while you work.
Don’t keep pushing on when you know in the back of your mind you need a break. Give yourself a break.
Keep an eye on how you’re feeling.
Generally speaking a feeling of expansion is good and a feeling of constriction means you could do with chilling out for a bit.
Feeling good is good. Feeling crap – not so much.
Keep it simple.
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